Goochland County

Department of Fire-Rescue & Emergency Services

Goochland County

Department of Fire-Rescue & Emergency Services

Fire-Rescue Master Plan

Fire-Rescue Master Plan

Goochland County Department of Fire-Rescue and Emergency Services received a Fire-Rescue Master Plan prepared by the Dynamix Consulting Group.


Goochland County Department of Fire-Rescue and Emergency Services received a Fire-Rescue Master Plan prepared by the Dynamix Consulting Group.  The long-range Master Plan is a 10-year plan that answers three basic questions:  Where is the organization now?  Where does the organization need to go?  How does the agency get there?  The plan evaluates the major aspects of the agency, benchmarks them to national standards, and then overlays the priorities of the community to create a plan that is both operationally and politically acceptable.  The year long process engaged the local government, internal and external stakeholders, and our citizens.  The Fire-Rescue Master Plan built upon the 2022 ISO evaluation that resulted in an award of an improved ISO Protection Class for Goochland County implemented in May of 2023.  Next steps for consideration include the development of a strategic plan.

CLICK HERE to view the Goochland County Fire-Rescue Master Plan