Dry Hydrants
Lock Boxes
ISO Documents
Agritourism Information
Contact Us

Doug Davies
Fire Marshal
- [email protected]
- 804-556-5365
Fire-Rescue and Emergency Services
Fire Chief Dillard E. Ferguson Jr.
2938 River Rd. W, Bldg. I
P.O. Box 247
Goochland, VA 23063 -
Office Hours:
Emergency? Dial 911
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Contact Us

Doug Davies
Fire Marshal
- [email protected]
- 804-556-5365
Fire-Rescue and Emergency Services
Fire Chief Dillard E. Ferguson Jr.
2938 River Rd. W, Bldg. I
P.O. Box 247
Goochland, VA 23063 -
Office Hours:
Emergency? Dial 911
Burning Requirements
- Do get a permit. Call the Fire Marshal (804) 556-5365. See Permit Exceptions in the burning regulations document.
- Do notify the Sheriff’s Office. Call the Sheriff non-emergency line (804) 556-5348 prior to burning with the location and time of the planned burning.
- Do not burn Prohibited Materials or in Prohibited Locations.
- Do not use accelerants to ignite any fire.
- Do not burn items transported to your property from another property.
- Do not burn when winds will carry smoke and ash to another person’s dwelling, building, or roadways.
- Do not leave unattended; attend burning at all times until the fire is completely extinguished.
- Burning that causes objectionable smoke or odor will require extinguishment until more favorable winds are present. Multiple complaints for the same location may result in permit revocation.
- Open burning conducted with a permit or in accordance with regulations does not exempt any person from being held accountable for damages or injuries as a result of the burning. Cost for any emergency response required due to a failure to maintain control of the open burning may be charged to the responsible party.