The goal for Goochland County’s Emergency Management Program is to protect and make Goochland more resilient. To accomplish this, the program focuses on four areas.
- Mitigation – reduce or eliminate the impact to the community from potential hazards.
- Preparation – build the capacity and the capability to manage impacts to the community.
- Response – act to stop ongoing negative effects from an emergency situation.
- Recovery – work to restore essential functions and return the community to normal.
Through this program Emergency Management provides services to the community in a variety of areas, including:
- Countywide Threat and Hazard Planning
- Community Outreach and Education
- Training and Exercises
- Emergency Operations Center
- Coordination with Authorities and Partners
- Supporting Response and Recovery Activities
Contact Us

Robin Hillman
Emergency Management Coordinator
- [email protected]
- 804-556-5366
Fire-Rescue and Emergency Services
2938 River Rd. W, Bldg. I
P.O. Box 247
Goochland, VA 23063 -
Office Hours:
Emergency? Dial 911
Contact Us

Robin Hillman
Emergency Management Coordinator
- [email protected]
- 804-556-5366
Fire-Rescue and Emergency Services
2938 River Rd. W, Bldg. I
P.O. Box 247
Goochland, VA 23063 -
Office Hours:
Emergency? Dial 911
More than Just Emergency Responses
Goochland County Fire-Rescue and Emergency Services prides itself on educating and preparing the community.
Register and make registration updates to get Goochland County alerts. The CodeRED Emergency Notification System is used by Goochland County to send mass notifications in emergency situations.
Understanding the most likely types of emergencies near where you live, work or travel are important for developing emergency plans and being prepared.
To be prepared for emergencies, there are 4 easy steps – 1) Build a Kit 2) Make a Plan 3) Stay Informed 4) Get Involved. The following provides tips and resources.
CERT is a national emergency preparedness program. The CERT course is a free 22-hour program offered to Goochland’s citizens 16 years of age and older which provides basic training of emergency response skills.
The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is a volunteer organization with interested individuals from local businesses, county agencies, and local citizens working together to become better prepared for emergency situations that could happen within the county, in a place of business or in an individual’s home.